Hey Travellers!
Tristan & I (Jason) are making a youtube series about our road trip to visit some of Australia’s most loved caravan factories. We are also reviewing caravans on our way! Here is our first (intro) video
Hey Travellers!
Tristan & I (Jason) are making a youtube series about our road trip to visit some of Australia’s most loved caravan factories. We are also reviewing caravans on our way! Here is our first (intro) video
hahahaha started watching to find australias ‘best’ caravans, continued for jason and tristian
Got any reviews on regents coming out soon?
Hey @WillSyk65 - thanks for asking, yes sure are. Are you looking at regents for your next van?
Not only have we got a regent product review in sight but also shared behind-the-scenes footage from the factory of how the vans are manufactured. Stay tuned!
Tristan’s your favorite though right? Lol, @jaunray44 thanks for watching, and glad you enjoyed it.
Yeah, I would also like to see more review videos on regents, they look pretty good.
@Johnson looks like something out of the future hey with its exterior designs. Stay tuned though, coming soon!
@tristan let’s not get ahead of ourselves champ
Well done guys! can’t wait to see the rest of your adventure! S U B S C R I B E D
I like the accent for sure!
never heard of them, but my mates have got jayco outbacks, @tristan and @Jason can you get some videos out on those? See heaps of crusaders too, but never gotten to take a good look at em. Just curious to see the hype
@tristan you just need a mullet
Thanks for the positive comments & feedback folks!
@jason whens the nxt video coming out?
@jaunray44 good timing lol, we’ve releasing one today about Habitat Noosa, sub and you’ll get notified when it’s live
When is the next review video coming out???